Author Archives | admin

admin - who has written 158 posts on Ethical Internet Marketer – Make More Money Online… Ethically!.

My name is Detlev Reimer, original owner of before it was passed on to Frank Bauer and I am online since 1994 and have been involved in Internet Marketing since 2001. I stumbled upon it by accident and got hooked. I am a full time Internet marketer since 01. Sep. 2003 and never regretted this decision.

How to build multiple streams of income in your online business

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I do not know one single very successful internet marketer who has only one income stream. They all have their fingers in a lot of different pies, so to speak. They have multiple income streams and multiple websites and you need to pay attention to what successful people are doing and learn from them so […]

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So many options – where do I start?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


This is something I struggled with and it’s something that a lot of newbies are still struggling with… When you first come online, you struggle to find that one thing… that one idea to pursue. BUT! And this is a big “but”… Once you hang around for a while, it seems like ideas and opportunities […]

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Project Quick Cash Review and my Bonuses

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Project Quick Cash – This is my personal review of Alok Jain’s latest ebook. Some info about the author, first… Alok is from India and he has also written: “Viral Profit Machine”, “Two Minute Profits” and “Silent Profit Machine”. I have them all and they were all very helpful. Project Quick Cash is about 5 […]

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Slight delay for the Revenue Blueprint WSO

Monday, November 19, 2007


Unfortunately, I couldn’t start the WSO for my new ebook this Monday because there were some problems with Paypal in combination with the Butterfly Script. The paid signup simply didn’t work. If you have ever experienced something like this yourself when using the Butterfly Script, maybe you’ve got a tip for me why it doesn’t […]

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Countdown for Revenue Blueprint Ebook WSO

Friday, November 16, 2007


You’ll probably remember that I was announcing in the summer that I would be writing an ebook. Well, it turned out to be harder than I thought because I wanted it to be perfect and cover every little detail there is in Internet marketing… During the writing, I found out that this simply is not […]

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