Project Quick Cash Review and my Bonuses

Project Quick Cash – This is my personal review of Alok Jain’s latest ebook.

Some info about the author, first…

Alok is from India and he has also written: “Viral Profit Machine”, “Two Minute Profits” and “Silent Profit Machine”. I have them all and they were all very helpful. Project Quick Cash is about 5 very specific methods of making money which can be implemented quickly.

And “Quick Cash” is something almost every Internet marketer wants, although in most cases, I personally prefer methods which will build you a solid business like described in my own ebook called “Revenue Blueprint”.

What is Project Quick Cash all about? Is it really revolutionary or have we seen it all before?

I will be describing the techniques so you can decide for yourself if these techniques are for you or not.

Method #1 “Cashing The Spike – Part 1”

This Project Quick Cash technique is being used to cash in on current trends and events and can bring you a lot of very targeted visitors quickly. It makes use of a resource that I hadn’t known about before. But now that I know about it, I will be watching it very closely myself.

The trends which you can discover there, can be monetized with affiliate programs. I really like this method because just like Alok’s ebook title promises: It’s quick and easy to implement.

Method #2 “Cashing The Spike – Part 2”

It’s almost done in a similar way like in part 1 with the main difference being that the monetization is done via Google Adsense. It is dependent on the niche which you choose whether it’s better to use affiliate programs or Adsense.

Both parts have a lot of potential and I will be using them myself very soon.

Method #3 “Underground Niche Profits”

The method which is explained in “Underground Niche Profits” is very similar to the techniques described in George Katsoudas’ “Hybrid Traffic System”. But it’s not as comprehensive as George’s ebook and doesn’t make use of the twist George is revealing.

Therefore, the uniqueness factor is not very high but nevertheless it IS a very effective technique if used correctly. Alok explains exactly what kind of forums to target and how to find the best niches to get into in order to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Method #4 – “Super Placement Targeting”

This technique is one which I had actually read about in a report which I bought as a WSO (Warrior Special Offer). It’s about using Adwords to get clicks for as low as $0.01 per click. Initially, I never thought that getting clicks for such a low CPC was possible but after reading the WSO report and now Alok’s ebook, I’ve actually tested it myself and I can say: Yes, it can be done!

You should not be using this method in Internet marketing related niches because it probably won’t work. Most likely, the click costs will be much higher there. But for other niches, this method is perfect to get very low cost clicks but highly targeted traffic, nonetheless.

Technique #5 – “Leeching On A Launch”

This is a good technique and I have seen quite a few marketers make use of this. It’s a very specific way of profiting from a big launch within the Internet marketing arena and it can make you from several hundreds to several thousands of dollars from the launch day to about 1-2 weeks after.

The technique doesn’t require you to have any technical skills at all and it can be implemented within 5-10 minutes depending on how experienced you are with the set up of new domains.

Cost of implementation: About $9 for a domain registration…!


The title of the ebook really doesn’t promise too much. These are “Quick Cash” methods which can be implemented in a few hours, some even in a few minutes. I knew about 3 of the techniques already but nevertheless, the explanations were very well written and they’ve actually enhanced the knowledge which I already had about them.

Who can profit from this ebook?

Newbie and intermediate Internet marketers can definitely profit from the content which is included in Project Quick Cash. But it supposes that you are at least familiar with using Adwords, implementing Adsense and integrating affiliate program links. If you have never done these things before, it could be quite difficult to put these things into practice.

But just like I did with Google Payload, I am going to give you bonuses, which will help you to understand the presupposed basics and from there, you can go on and actually implement the techniques Alok describes.

Click here to visit the Project Quick Cash website


Even though the techniques are quite easy to implement, they require you to have at least some basic knowledge in the following areas:

Adwords – You’ll get the ebook “Google Adwords Primer” from me as a bonus.

Adsense – You’ll get the ebook “Adsense Profits Exposed (3 PDF files)” from me as a bonus.

Keyword research – You’ll get a video from me which will show you how to use a free software tool to do basic keyword research.

+ You’ll get 3 months FULL access to my Niche Content Websites website (A $75 value)!


+++++++++++ MEGA BONUS:+++++++++++++


You’ll get a BRANDED version of my latest database software called IM Product Buddy.

This brand new database actually has 3 strategically placed banners inside… I will replace them with YOUR banners and YOUR affiliate links and you can start giving away this branded version to your list. Or you may even sell it.

In case that you’re getting Project Quick Cash today, you don’t have to wait until the 1st to get my new software. I will send you the download link to the unbranded version immediately and a branded version 1-2 days AFTER you have sent me your banners and affiliate links. This is manual work and can take a while, though. Please be patient!

After you have purchased your copy from here, just visit my helpdesk and paste your Clickbank receipt with the subject line “Project Quick Cash Bonus” in order to get my bonuses.

pqc-ebook stack

Click here to visit the Project Quick Cash website


This post was written by:

- who has written 158 posts on Ethical Internet Marketer – Make More Money Online… Ethically!.

My name is Detlev Reimer, original owner of before it was passed on to Frank Bauer and I am online since 1994 and have been involved in Internet Marketing since 2001. I stumbled upon it by accident and got hooked. I am a full time Internet marketer since 01. Sep. 2003 and never regretted this decision.

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