So many options – where do I start?

This is something I struggled with and it’s something that a lot of newbies are still struggling with…

When you first come online, you struggle to find that one thing… that one idea to pursue.

BUT! And this is a big “but”… Once you hang around for a while, it seems like ideas and opportunities are everywhere. It simply can become completely overwhelming. And then it gets difficult to decide what to do and what not to do.

Once you do decide on the things you are going to do, you then have to organize your time in such a way to get things done. But how do you decide what you want to do first?

Setting priorities

Priority is one approach to whittling down to what you want to do. What is most important? Better yet, what is going to make you the most money? Or money the fastest?

Once you have figured that out, create a time line to accomplish things. It can simply be on a piece of paper that you tape to your wall next to your computer so you see it everyday.

Then this is the hard part. Do it!

One thing at a time… you can do some stuff simultaneously, but don’t do too much. The main thing is to see things to the finish line. It’s better to do one thing well and complete it then do a bunch of things poorly and never finish anything completely.

Being focused

Sometimes it will be difficult to stay focused. Not everything you are going to be doing will be fun… Try not to think of the tasks at hand. Don’t think about how difficult what you’re doing is. Concentrate on the results you are going to get.

Focus on what the benefits of your actions will be. If it’s a big project that’s going to take a while, you might have to make a note of the “benefits” and tape it to the bottom of your computer’s monitor.

A mental or written benefit that you can imagine clearly in your mind.

“What I’m doing will”:

1. Bring me lots of traffic.

2. Help me pay the bills.

3. Allow me to quit my day job.

4. Impress that woman or man you have your eye on…

5. It will set the stage for bigger and better things.

6. It will impress your friends or colleagues.

7. It will get your wife off your back.

8. It will simply pay for my hosting every month.

9. It will bring me closer to retiring…

10. It will buy me that car I’ve always wanted.

What motivates you?

You know what I’m getting at. What do you want the most? We are motivated by specific things in our lives… Love, Money, Power…

That is the benefit for what you are doing. So the next time you are doing that task that is driving you up the wall… close your eyes for a minute and visualize.

Then it’s just a matter of setting specific, daily goals to complete things. And disciplining yourself to reach those goals.

Being disciplined

Just like with my Revenue Blueprint ebook and then setting up my complete system. It has been tough. I was very busy. But I tried and wrote at least 3-5 pages per day no matter what was going on… You know what? I didn’t always feel like doing it! But I was disciplined and did it anyway, because I had a clear, mental picture of the resulting benefits…

Your job is not finished after you have created your product, though. Then the real work starts. You have to think about how to set up your offer (e.g. OTO’s, USP, Bonuses), which payment processors/scripts to use, you’ll need graphics for your salesletter and you need to write the salesletter itself. You have to think about pricing, about getting JV partners and other traffic sources.

Accomplishing goals is satisfying!

But it’s worth it! You can’t imagine what satisfaction it is to see that you’ve finally accomplished something and that you’ve put up a new & helpful product. And that’s why I personally love to be a product creator. It can’t be compared to being an affiliate for other people’s products. Because then you are only selling other people’s ideas and strategies and not your own.

Affiliate marketing is good for newbies, though. It helps you to learn the ropes of this Internet marketing business. But ultimately, your goal should be to develop your own products and become UNIQUE in the marketplace.

It’s more rewarding and pays a lot more than being an affiliate even though super affiliates like Ewen Chia would probably deny this. His absolute breakthrough came along when he started creating his OWN products (Secret Affiliate Weapon, Affiliate of the Month, Autopilot Profits), though.

So there’s not that much Ewen could deny…

This post was written by:

- who has written 158 posts on Ethical Internet Marketer – Make More Money Online… Ethically!.

My name is Detlev Reimer, original owner of before it was passed on to Frank Bauer and I am online since 1994 and have been involved in Internet Marketing since 2001. I stumbled upon it by accident and got hooked. I am a full time Internet marketer since 01. Sep. 2003 and never regretted this decision.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Will Donnelly says:

    Hi Detlef,
    I guess a lot of us newbies know down deep inside that what you said is true, but it takes someone outside your own skin to whack you on the but to get going with a plan and do it daily without letting all the little unimportant stuff get in the way! Being your own Boss means just that and not slacking off because no ones looking…now your cheating yourself and not the company! Thanks for the Remimder!

  2. marsha says:

    Hi Detlev,

    I wanted to thank you for the useful tips and information. I agree that being an affiliate helps when you are starting a biz on the net as it allows you to learn a lot at the beginning of the process/venture, but learning how to create a product is the key to becoming successful.

    Have a wonderful season!
    Marsha Anderson

  3. Max says:

    creating a product IS the toughest part, and deciding on a niche is tougher. how does one go about doing the research, that’s the REAL question.

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