What does it take to work from home?

There are a lot of factors involved in succeeding online. It all depends on your chosen path. What do you want to do online to make you money? You can’t be hunting down every single opportunity. It will get you nowhere. Your decision and your success all depends on your unique skills, experience, knowledge and talents.

There are some things you can do that will increase your chances in any given opportunity…

Continuing Education:

If you decide to pursue a business online, you must understand the consequences. The only way you are going to make it long term, is to build a habit that will serve as a guarantee against “being left behind or missing the boat”. You must continuously learn.

Always be reading e-Books, articles and news related to your efforts. Hang out in forums, ask questions, and stay tuned to what’s happening in the online community (but limit your time which you are spending there). This is so important. Understand, you could have received a Masters degree in some tech area 10 years ago and much of that knowledge is useless today.

If you decide to pursue an opportunity online, you must accept that you are in a technological environment. Just like anyone in an electronic, computer, or programming field you must always stay on top of the technology (or more specifically, information).

Marketing alone changes all the time. New ways of doing things are born and old ways die daily.

It is also important to stay educated to avoid doing the wrong things. If you don’t have your smarts, someone will lead you in the wrong direction and it will ultimately destroy or cripple your business.

Spread the risk:

You can choose one opportunity, but build a structure around that opportunity that will support the change of seasons.

Market your product, service or website using several different methods to secure your long term objectives. For instance, don’t only focus on Search Engines Optimization (SEO) or Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising. Add e.g. viral marketing, article marketing and affiliate marketing to the mix.

Search Engines change their methods continuously. You could be ranked on the first page of the search results one day and be out of sight the next. It’s a guessing game.

Pay Per Click is similar. PPC is actually rather new and something could come along to replace it. It doesn’t take long for the flock to change directions; only a few sheep need to start…

You can also pursue more than one opportunity. You can sell digital products and physical products. At the same time intertwine affiliate programs.

Do not take this as me saying not to focus your efforts into a niche. You don’t want to be too spread out. I’m just saying not to put “all those eggs in one basket”. Of course you don’t want to have too many baskets either; don’t neglect the good eggs by having too many to keep track of!

Stay Organized:

Organize your time and activities. Organize your data by putting my PromoBuddy Internet Marketing Software into use! Focus your time mainly on the things that are going to make you money.

Too many people get caught up in the details. Instead of goofing around and fine tuning your site endlessly, do the things that will ultimately generate income. You want to be spending a good amount of time marketing your product or services.

Spend your time creating content for your websites, writing articles, creating products and getting inbound links. Create alliances and joint ventures with others. Don’t try to do it all on your own. You need to have LEVERAGE!

Organize your week:

For example: You’re going to spend Monday writing content for your website and you’re planning what needs to be done during the whole week. Write everything down on paper. Tuesday could be for getting backlinks to your site(s). Wednesday you focus on list building and all the things that can get you more subscribers, Thursday you’re spending your time on article submissions and setting up new Google Adwords campaigns etc. etc. – you get my drift …

You can break each day, week or each month down into all the tasks that need to be done to achieve your long term goals.

Build a system and stick to it:

Don’t get caught in the trap of hanging out in some forum. It may be a way to generate some income, but you can get so rapped up you stop doing other things that will make you more money in the long run.

Also organize your life, your office, your paper, your computer…. Pick up a copy of “Getting Things Done” by David Allen. You’ll learn a lot about how to get your life organized.

Expect to Slip and Fall:

It’s part of your plan. When something goes wrong, embrace it!

This is how we learn. Everyone goes through this learning curve. There are a lot of things that are going to happen before you are going to succeed.

In sales there is a certain thing understood: It will take “X” amount of “No’s” to get to a “Yes”. You expect and welcome the “No’s”, because you know it brings you closer to the “Yes”. It’s a numbers game.

Many people get frustrated when their first website fails. They read a book and they discover it doesn’t change their lives like it was supposed to.

Understand that the opportunities are the same for everyone, but they don’t work for everyone. You have to find YOUR opportunity. It will, however, take some time to get your arms around it. You will, most likely, slip sometimes. You may fall and have to start over. But now you have that experience so build on it! BUILD ON YOUR EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE.

Become a business person:

You don’t need a college degree. You can educate yourself. There are thousands upon thousands of books and ebooks you can read. Go to your local library and read them for FREE. Download free ebooks.

A well rounded person online must have some business skill or knowledge. You must understand how business works. This is a business. You must understand how it operates, the risk factor, and have a business plan.

Again, you don’t need a college degree. But make it a habit to read books related to your field and business. It will sink in over time. Combined with the experience you are getting, you will grow into an online business expert.

You don’t need to have a business background to succeed online, but make it a part of your future focus. Set time aside. It won’t hurt.

In Conclusion:

Many people on the internet will give you the illusion that their opportunity is all you need. It’s not to say their opportunity is bad, they just are selling it. You need to come in knowing how to use it and integrate it into your business.

There is more to it, but these things I highlighted are often overlooked. As more and more people come online each day looking for opportunities, it is necessary for them to be lead in a direction that will benefit them, not bring them down.

One failed opportunity can discourage anyone. But if you are prepared for that result and expect it… embrace it even as this will build up your own experience. Your chances of success dramatically increase!

Good Luck in All Your Endeavors,

Frank Bauer

This post was written by:

- who has written 158 posts on Ethical Internet Marketer – Make More Money Online… Ethically!.

My name is Detlev Reimer, original owner of before it was passed on to Frank Bauer and I am online since 1994 and have been involved in Internet Marketing since 2001. I stumbled upon it by accident and got hooked. I am a full time Internet marketer since 01. Sep. 2003 and never regretted this decision.

14 Comments For This Post

  1. Pete Moore says:

    Solid advice detlev

    I hope people take it on board


  2. Debbie says:

    Good info you have given.
    Keep up the good work.
    Look forwarded to reading your
    next article.


  3. Mark Gonzales says:


    This is the best advice for newbies I heard, in a long time.


  4. detlev says:

    Thanks for your positive feedback, Pete and Mark. I really appreciate it


  5. Cindy says:

    TO DO: Buy ink toner
    Print this article
    Hang it on the wall!

  6. Roland says:

    Thanks for being up front and honest with the facts. No BS in your stuff.

    Roland D

  7. Charles says:

    Hi every one I like to earn a steady, monthly income by creating and selling my own EBook or other people’s EBooks for a substantial profit? Even without my own website? Would I like to create a new, independent future for myself by starting my own website?

  8. detlev says:

    Thanks Debbie, Cindy and Roland – I’m glad you liked the article :).

    Charles: Just the fact that you’re publishing an ebook doesn’t say anything about the income potential. It’s dependent on the topic and the content. The better the content, the easier it will be to sell it. That’s because it will be getting easier to find partners who can promote it to their lists.

    But you need to have your own website for this. I mean, where do you want to put the salesletter if not on your own website? Even in the case of marketing as an affiliate, it’s better to have your own website for branding purposes and in order to build your list.

    Promoting your ebook will also be a lot easier if you have your own website and list…


  9. J Success says:

    Great article, I will use it to the max. Thanks for getting right to the point, no fluff.

    J Success

  10. Courtney Jones says:

    You are a Newbie Godsend! Thanks for making me feel better for not knowing what I’m doing. My Business background didn’t prepare me for the feeling of “Failure” at not making sales. You have reinforced my belief that every failure gets me one step further to Online Success!
    To your Prosperity,
    Courtney jones

  11. Jerry Martin says:

    Thanks for the advise, mostly the part about this is a business. It’s so easy to spend all your time having fun and thinking your working your business till it’s time to pay the bills. Great advise about writing everything down too, I wish I would have done that from day one.

  12. Andreas Obermüller says:

    Hi Detlef!

    Thanks for this wonderful article. It is straight forward and without any fluff and fillers. That’s what all Newbies need – instructions that they can follow easily and that tell them the truth – even when it includes some possible mistakes or failures.
    It reminds me on Dave Vallieres “Fail faster forward to succeed” or how it is called…

    Keep on writing such great stuff!

    All the best!

    Andreas Obermüller

  13. David Mosley says:

    Love you post,makes allot of sense too.When I started 2 years ago i used to jump around allot,but now I have a routine and I stay with it.Helps allot

  14. Jeff / Hope Arlt says:

    Detlev Reimer,

    Just wanted to say thank you for being so straight forward & to the point. Due to the economic situation i’ve had quite a bit of free time to venture the “Net” to find endless opportunity. While being cautious i’ve still found myself wandering aimlessly abroad. It just happens! I feel that is what the so called “guru’s” want Oh & of course $$$.

    Happy holidays, Jeff

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