What I showcased during the last Marketing Meetup is finally ready and will be available to you just 12 hours after today’s Marketing Meetup.
In this months Marketing Meetup my business partner Matt Koshko and I will share with you what excites us the most about our new service site… Jollow.com.
Of course you can, as usual, ask us any question you have, related to todays topic or not, and we will do our best to answer them. And at the end of the Meetup I will again give away a 6-month Platinum upgrade to one of my own sites. To win, simply stay until the end and answer a simple question live before the Marketing Meetup ends.
Congratulations again to our last winner: Bret Harbour
Congratulation! Will you be our next winner?
Recommended sites in this session of M2 are…
Jollow – Jollow.com
ViralURL – ViralURL.com
ViralinBox – ViralinBox.com
ViralPLR – ViralPLR.com
ViralHosts – ViralHosts.com
You can simply join the next Marketing Meetup and just watch us live or even ask live questions on the first Tuesday of the month at 9 pm EST at any of the following locations… (pick the one that suits you best)
ViralURL members can join here: ViralURL.com/m2.php
ViralinBox members can join here: ViralinBox.com/m2.php
ViralPLR members can join here: ViralPLR.com/m2.php
ViralHosts members can join here: ViralHosts.com/m2.php
Jollow members can join here: Jollow.com/m2.php
View Replays January to November 2013: SpreeCast.com/channels/marketing-meetup
View Replays December 2013 onwards: YouTube.com/user/TheMarketingMeetup/videos
Want to reach the next level faster? Click here for M3 Inner Circle: M3innercircle.com
Wednesday the 13th