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The new SEO – Part 1: Latent Semantic Indexing

24. June 2008


As you are probably aware, the search engines, especially Google, keep changing their algorithms...

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Focus On Significance – Not Success

11. May 2008


“The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance – and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.” Oprah Winfrey     Be a specialist At school you had been taught that you needed to know as much as you could […]

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21. March 2008


I balance the two. SEO is more of a long term strategy for me, PPC a short term… among other marketing strategies like JVs (although I have seriously cut back on them). Sometimes PPC is actually a good way to get traffic until the Search Engine traffic does finally barrel in… AND you don’t always […]

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Google Pagerank Explained

20. March 2008

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First of all, Google Pagerank has nothing to do with Adwords… although indirectly I suppose it does. One of the reasons Adwords is so valuable is because you can go around this important factor that Google has… And it also might be a good thing if the website you are promoting has a high PR, […]

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“Free” CD offer guys are using shady business practices!

10. March 2008


Sometimes things are not what they seem… While I had the intention of giving great value to my subscribers with the free CD offer I made on Saturday, it turns out that it wasn’t as good as I thought… in fact, it’s another nightmare for me because of the way this offer was set up. […]

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