I think, Joel had done a pretty good job with his “Instant Adsense Templates” Firesales and he sold a lot of copies. I promoted these packages myself as I considered them to offer great value for the price he was selling them for. But they were massive already. I don’t remember the exact numbers but it must have been something like 200-300 Website Templates per package. And now he wants to release at least 100 new templates per month.
Let me ask you a question: Who can build that many websites in a month?
Not me. That’s for sure. In my opinion, this is not manageable and that’s why I am not recommending it. Usually, I am building around 10-15 niche sites a month. And that is keeping me busy enough already. And if you have previously bought his two Instant Adsense Templates packages already, you’re probably set for at least a year or two. Creating those sites is the easy part. The more difficult, more time intensive part is the promotion of your sites. You can never be successful if you’re not doing e.g. any linking strategies for them.
And that identifies probably the problem that most people are suffering from: Lack of traffic coming to their sites and thus no income from Adsense or affiliate programs. It’s easy to make thousands of dollars a month from Adsense or affiliate programs once you own websites which are getting a lot of traffic. Monetizing this traffic should be your last concern. It’s more difficult to generate this kind of traffic.
No traffic, no money. It’s as simple as that.
The approach for my own Adsense membership site will be different. I want to provide you with a number of complete websites per month that you can actually manage. Because the highest number of sites you will get from me is 13. That’s about 4 websites per week that you can bring online. Not hundred, not two hundred.
I will open my new Adsense Websites and PLR membership site this week. I had some problems with the setup but I am quite confident that I can get the site finished until Friday.
Here’s what you’ll get from me on a monthly basis:
Up to:
* 12 Complete Adsense Websites
* 300 PLR Articles
* 3 PLR Ebooks
* 3 PLR Audio Ebooks
* 24 Niche Header Graphics
* 12 Keyword Lists with Adwords’ CPC prices
There will be 4 different membership levels:
1 Adsense Website, 2 Graphic Headers and 25 Articles
4 Adsense Websites, 8 Graphic Headers and 100 Articles
+ 1 PLR Ebook & 1 Audio Ebook & 4 Keyword Lists
8 Adsense Websites, 16 Graphic Headers and 200 Articles
+ 2 PLR Ebooks & 2 Audio Ebooks & 8 Keyword Lists
12 Adsense websites, 24 Graphic Headers
+ 3 PLR Ebooks & 3 Audio Ebooks & 12 Keyword Lists
As soon as my site is ready, I’ll send you the link where you can join either for free or for a minimal fee. It will be really affordable.
thanks for the info…I will put it to good use…I have one site for now, but will expand shortly, keep you posted.
I have purchased both Instant Adsense Template packages and have decided not to pursue the monthly subscription version. I would like to say that Joel’s work is of great quality and value, however you can have too much of a good thing. Your right in saying that it can become a little over whelming, so I have passed up on this opportunity
I’ve just put up your first free site Fashion Design School and would be happy to upgrade my membership at NCW, EXCEPT for the very point you make in this article.
Until I have solved the traffic and monetization issues there is no point in creating further sites to sit there without earning.
I mention monetization because the more revenue gained per visitor, the more I can devote to promotion. Presently I can’t even consider purchased traffic because the prospective Adsense revenue alone is unlikely to justify the expense.
So firstly – the more you can help your members find and drive traffic, the more they will be prepared to buy more sites from you.
If traffic will depend on backlinks, each site may need a blog (to get indexed quickly).
Secondly, to increase the revenue per visit we need to incorporate
(a) lead caputure flyins or pop-under pages
(b) affiliate “presell” copy; data feeds; and links.
(c) tracking software to evaluate which traffic sources are producing in terms of visits, list opt-ins, adwords revenue and affiliate income from affiliate links .
Could I also suggest that if you can produce case studies of traffic generation and extra monetizaton beyond Adsense, you will encourage users to emulate.
In conclusion – if your users make profits from your sites they will buy as many as you can make.
If they don’t make profits, it doesn’t matter how good the sites are, because they won’t continue to buy them.
So – you have a vested interest in “free” or very low cost traffic generation plus “monetization” to fund paid promotion. Until that problem is solved, the demand for sites will be stuck at the free trial stage.
Fortunately, much of this further work is one-off and does not repeat for each site (except that different affiliate programs may be required to suit each individual niche)
Also – additional features, services and training don’t necessarily have to be supplied “free” – although that would obviously help with take up.
I want to see the NCW program succeed – and therefore encourage other users to comment on implementation issues that they find challenging. Detlev can’t help until he knows about
any problems.