I do not know one single very successful internet marketer who has only one income stream. They all have their fingers in a lot of different pies, so to speak.
They have multiple income streams and multiple websites and you need to pay attention to what successful people are doing and learn from them so that you can also become successful.
Have you ever heard the term, ‘that’s just peanuts’? It’s a term that means that something is too small to be worthwhile. I beg to differ. Let’s talk about peanuts. Let’s say that a person raises some peanuts and sells them at a roadside stand. He has one income stream.
Then he starts making peanut butter and sells that as well. Now he has two income streams. Next he starts roasting the peanuts and selling them giving him three income streams. Then he buys some pecans and adds them to his inventory and has four income streams. You get the picture.
His business is no longer JUST peanuts. He might have started out with JUST peanuts but he has built additional income streams and now his business is thriving because he is appealing to the tastes of more and more potential customers.
That is precisely how internet marketing works. People are attracted by different things. The more different things you have, the more different people will be attracted. Every internet business begins with just one idea and just one website.
That is exactly where every ultra successful internet business person started. The ones who are ultra successful didn’t stop with just one, though. They built and built. They added websites and products. They created additional income streams and you should also strive toward having multiple income streams.
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