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Launch Formula Marketing script launches today

27. October 2006


You will probably remember the launch of the Butterfly Marketing package in the beginning of this year and how expensive it was. Of course, it’s a great package but simply not affordable to anyone. Especially, if you’re still struggling to make a comfortable living online. That’s why I want to mention a much cheaper alternative […]

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Meet me in London at the Internet Millionaires Bootcamp 2

14. October 2006


One of my subscribers, Norbert, pointed me to a free seminar which is taking place next weekend in London and which I will be attending. It’s called “The Internet Millionaires Bootcamp 2” and they really have brought all the big Internet Marketing Stars together. Best of all, they still seem to have some free seats […]

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Have you been hugged today?

11. October 2006


Well, I know – this is not directly Internet marketing related… but who cares? It’s all about being human and being emotional. And if someone offers to give us a free hug – would you say no? Many people have a hard time approaching others they don’t know yet. But here’s a guy, going around […]

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Maximizing The Number Of Clicks On Your Adsense Ads

8. October 2006


Most webmasters know that Adsense generates a sizeable source of additional advertising income. That is why most of them are going after high paying keywords… They have huge lists that tell them what the keywords are and have already used various methods of identifying them. And yet, after putting up these supposed-to-be high paying keywords […]

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“Project X” – A scam?

4. October 2006


You may have read a lot of emails about a new affiliate marketing bestselling ebook called “Project X”… It is written by the famous author of “Adwords Miracle” – which I absolutely didn’t like to be honest. I’ve always had problems making Google Adwords work for me and it didn’t change after getting the Adwords […]

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