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What is blog and ping?

6. February 2008

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You’re a blogger and most likely, you are constantly hearing about pinging or blog and ping. The thing is, you don’t know what it is and what it can do for your blog. Well, that’s fine because a lot of bloggers don’t quite understand pinging. In this article, I will explain what pinging is, how […]

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Backlinks – Your Ticket Into The Search Engines

5. February 2008


Backlinks – Your Ticket Into The Search Engines

Everyone with a website wants to be listed on Google. After all, it is the most popular search engine in the world, used by millions of people every day. It’s the doorway between you and thousands and thousands of visitors who will flock to your website once they spot you, and isn’t that the main […]

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I am an affiliate – so what’s next?

10. January 2008


Let’s say we’ve just signed up as an affiliate for a popular product. Now what? How you approach this is going to depend on where you are coming from. 1) You might have an existing website and you’ve just discovered affiliate marketing and would like to implement this on your website. You already have your […]

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What is your marketing strategy?

3. January 2008


  Do you even HAVE a strategy for your business? From my observations, I see a lot of people online that are moving forward without much of a strategy. Or they are stuck using other peoples strategies and don’t develop their own based on their needs and abilities. It is very important to understand that […]

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What products & services will you need in 2008?

21. December 2007


Christmas is only days away. The new year is around the corner… It’s time for me to decide where my business will be heading to in 2008. I want to do my best to bring you products and services which you really want and need. I can only do this with your feedback… Therefore, I’ve […]

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