Would you consider joining my social networking site?

Wednesday the 18th

General, Internet Marketing



You asked for questions and I have one. I just created a new social networking site. Anyone that joins can post blogs, videos, photos, etc.

Its totally free, no paying upgrade option etc. Would you consider joining? Whats in it for you. Another place to share ideas.

Networks that sing!



Question: Would you consider joining my social networking site?


Thanks for your question, Anthony…

Here is my detailed review for your site:

1.) I have the impression, the site is rather incomplete so far. I am missing a headline which tells me what the target audience/age group is for your site (the title bar says “adult social network” but what can they expect?) and what your unique angle is. Why should they join your site instead of e.g. / which allows them to do the same things? What makes your site different? Until now, I can only see pictures of you, the blog posts seem to be automated postings of RSS feed content and the layout doesn”t fit together.

2.) The header is not looking professional and because of its” colors, the red navigation links can”t be read. Moreover, the header also is too small (when viewing it in a 1024×768 resolution) and allows people to view a yellow background which doesn”t fit into the site. Maybe, you should put your navigation links below the header so they can be read.

On subpages, the same red navigation links seem to be blue. Why is it changing the color from page to page? Navigational links need to be consistent and should not change from page to page.

3.) The colors of the layout don”t fit together. The background is a complete contrast to the other sections of the index page. The heading colors for the individual sections also look rather unusual.

4.) The Adsense block doesn”t fit in there, either. It looks like a foreign object there and using the banner format makes it look and smell like advertising. People would rather ignore it as they don”t like to click on advertising. It should blend in with the colors of your site (but hopefully after you”ve changed them…).

5.) Because your picture is the only one which appears on the front page, it makes your site look like a virtual ghost town. There doesn”t seem to be any activity apart from your own. You need to change this and start promoting your site after you have found your unique angle and changed the design.

So in order to answer your question: No, Anthony, I wouldn”t join it in its” current state… My suggestion is that you hire a web designer to create a professional header/design for your site. Then it will be much easier to get visitors and signups. Go to or and put up a project there.


This post was written by:

- who has written 158 posts on Ethical Internet Marketer – Make More Money Online… Ethically!.

My name is Detlev Reimer, original owner of before it was passed on to Frank Bauer and I am online since 1994 and have been involved in Internet Marketing since 2001. I stumbled upon it by accident and got hooked. I am a full time Internet marketer since 01. Sep. 2003 and never regretted this decision.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Jawed says:

    I agree with Detlev. The site is in no way attractive enough for people to join. You need to give it a unique look and change the colors to something more easy to the eyes.

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